Thursday 9 June 2011

Finbarr Bradley - Realising Ireland's Innovative Potential

Finbarr Bradley has taken to the stage with a cold but what a clever move, It will hold our attention. He doesn't need a cold to grab our attention, he has our ears. He Is motivating us about harnessing the spirit, giving someone the spirit to achieve what they want to make and the thing what he explains Is the biggest mistake about the world we live In now Is that answer to someone too much, always being watched and he says " let them do it". He stated " harness the magic within individuals and a community which can be directly related to the Craft community and Craft individuals. We must respond to our own needs when we are creating and the key Is to share this with others. This Is a man who In my eyes has the experience to say whatever he wants but every word so far has held my ear. He Is owning the stage with his epic slides and diagrams. The purpose of the economy he says Is "for making stuff". Now thats the way to say It, that makes sense without all the babble. He Is saying that when the economy Is mentioned In the world of making It Is always from the left hand bracket the Industrial Age side and the economy should share the brackets of the Innovation Age. Here Is where the new way of thinking Is and here Is where development is for the individual and then for the community. He states that If you control a student to much they never grow and never move on, they are stunted and as a teacher thats where the problem Is, this could be a metaphor for any government over a society today. Regulate too much and quench any creativity and close all the doors to what could be new and innovative. Excuse my bad grammar, this Is a live blog and I am trying to get across what I hear. I am grabbing what stands out to me so my structure might be a little animated, but I tell you Finbarr Is just that In all the best ways possible. 
Finbarr Bradley has dedicated his career to value. The real valuable resources are the ones that are tangible  imagination. This Is infinite.If you want to grow an economy In a place make the foundation with inspiration and imagination. 
In essence what Finbarr Is getting across Is that we live In a very competitive age and our craft businesses become local and then more local than local. The bigger companies get the more local we becoem and In the media and maybe our mind thsi might be a bad thing but he disagrees. That Is the key to our success. You take on a bigger brand or multi store with having as much out put as them but you go head to head with them with quality. But the whole package of quality, the experience that you can only get In a traditional setting like our country. Our sense of place becomes our value and It Is this value Is priceless. Our fokelore, mythology and poetic nature Is what we need to focus on. The answers are In the heritage. No one else anywhere In the world has what we have so that Is what can save us. It Is up to the creative to get this across and sell It to the world, literally In the case of the nations economy and even the global economy. I remember when I was In Iceland and I was travelling around, reading a map and what stood out most was their culture was In everything. There were Ghosts on the map that had as much importance as any large money making tourist site. They ignore large companies and stay local and original and thats why I went there In the first place, Where else would a McDonalds last only 2 years. It came and went because of the need to stay local. The jobs are there If you are innovative enough to look for it and create your own. Anyone who creates or wakes up to make something everyday thats what you want to hear. Thanks Finbarr. 

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